Learning Activity #1 Based on this checklist below for keeping a project on track, which three do you find most challenging? Determine a possible solution for dealing with these challenges. Keep the p

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Learning Activity #1

Based on this checklist below for keeping a project on track, which three do you find most challenging? Determine a possible solution for dealing with these challenges.

Keep the project team focused on the mission.

Identify managers who make final decisions related to the project.

Make sure all plans are approved before work begins.

Make sure all changes to the plan are approved before work begins.

Manage the expectations of everyone involved with the project.

Avoid in-fighting within management groups.

Avoid surprising management and the project team.

Keep the project proceeding as planned.

Don’t overemphasize any aspect of the project.

Don’t allow a personality conflict to overshadow a valuable opinion.

Don’t allow favoritism to influence objectivity.

Don’t make judgments based upon preconceived notions.

Learning Activity #2

In the article (https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1996/11/25/218717/index.htm), “The Great Conundrum– You vs. the Team” the author notes, “Today’s teams are less a metaphor and more a reality. These days, team members are likely to work together many hours a day, jointly hammering out the final product rather than slotting together individually made components.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not. Please ensure you support your answer.





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