PowerPoint presentation on Topic- why kingfisher airlines failed in India Each student is required to complete a final project in which you investigate aspects of the strategic marketing management

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PowerPoint  presentation on  Topic- why kingfisher airlines failed in India

Each student is required to complete a final project in which you investigate aspects of the strategic marketing management of a chosen failure business case, to extend a certain theory and model you learnt in class. •

Teams will evaluate the business’s current situation (E.g., How and Why it failed?) and marketing strategies and develop a NEW global marketing plan to achieve an identified objective. •

Requirements- Each team’s final project is to include the following sections:o Title page

Current Global Marketing Situation

Situational Analysis (E.g., PESTLE Analysis)

SWOT Analysis

Objectives and Issues to be addressed (Consider any secondary data and supply chain as well)

Global Marketing Strategy (Product, Pricing, Distribution and Communication strategy)

Budgets o Recommendation (E.g., Opportunities and Challenges)

References and Exhibits

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