Respond to classmate 150 words The question they had to answer. (Referring to the Zenger article, to the text, and to Scriptures, what steps can a leader take to prevent the unethical or abusive use

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Respond to classmate 150 words

The question they had to answer. (Referring to the Zenger article, to the text, and to Scriptures, what steps can a leader take to prevent the unethical or abusive use of power, especially legitimate power?)


Leaders can act out of character especially when they are granted access to information and accounts of the entire organization. Leaders can use that information to get subordinates to perform acts that usually would not be granted. Similar to biblical principles, Zenger spoke to the positive characteristics of being humble, firm, trustworthy, receptive and not above reproach. I believe being humble allows the leader to know who they are themselves. At one point in time, they were not in that position so some sort of work had to be done to get there. Being firm does not necessarily mean that one has to be mean but consistent to adhering to policy. Being trustworthy promotes an environment of social unity. If employees know that they can trust their leader, they will most likely do anything for that leader.

Granted with the influence and power some leaders have, it is best to set the right example for subordinates. Ingratiating and pressure tactics are not the best route for leaders to go down. I know for sure I would not appreciate someone trying to hold something over my head. It would appear better if the individual approached me with a genuine love for what they are doing. God is the ultimate give of life and He is the most important piece needed to prevent unfair use of power. Leaders essentially need to move in love and grace. Acting upon the golden rule is important  too as we do not want to get treated wrong.

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