Hello, I need help with my nutrient assignment. Please write at least two paragraphs. Conducting more research will help you meet the requirement. Note: A paragraph is 8 sentences or more. Post your

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Hello, I need help with my nutrient assignment. Please write at least two paragraphs.  Conducting more research will help you meet the requirement. Note: A paragraph is 8 sentences or more.

Post your citations in the APA style. There is a link after the grading rubric for reference.

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Hello, I need help with my nutrient assignment. Please write at least two paragraphs. Conducting more research will help you meet the requirement. Note: A paragraph is 8 sentences or more. Post your
Vitamin D Case Study Part 1: Your Post Please Read the Case Study below about Joan.   Case study for Joan Joan is a 70-year-old Caucasian woman who has recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis after a fall during which her hip broke. She is 64 inches tall and weighs 115 pounds. Lately she has been reporting muscle pain in her legs. She eats a limited diet owing to a chronic low appetite. A recent blood test shows that Joan’s serum vitamin D level is below normal. Her daily diet includes juice or fruit and toast with butter for breakfast, cottage cheese and fruit for lunch, and salad or a frozen vegetable with meat or poultry for dinner. She dislikes most fish, except canned tuna, and she often drinks a glass of fortified milk before going to bed at night. Although she lives in New Mexico, she spends most days indoors. Joan has been taking a blood-thinning medication since she was discharged from the hospital. She has been taking a daily multivitamin that contains 5000 IU of vitamin A and 400 IU of vitamin D for many years.   2.  QUESTIONS (2 of them) Discuss some food sources that are rich in vitamin D for Joan to consume. Analyzing Joan’s diet and supplement use, what might explain why she now has osteoporosis? Please write at least two paragraphs.  Conducting more research will help you meet the requirement. Note: A paragraph is 8 sentences or more. Post your citations in APA syle. There is a link after the grading rubric for reference.   Part 2: Peer Replies  For the Peer Replies, choose ONE  peer who does not yet have two replies. If the peer already has  two replies, choose a different peer, or wait for other responses if you can. If your timing just happens to overlap with another person who has done the same reply, you can leave the reply, but please complete another so that we make sure everyone has at least one reply!    What did you like or learn about their post? Did you relate to anything, or find it interesting?       Grading Rubric: Grading Rubric Initial Post Criteria Points Did responses to all questions demonstrate a high level of thoroughness and are shared prior to the due date–while incorporating research strategies?   Spelling and grammar    Were all questions answered with thoughtfulness and complete sentences?   Replies to Classmate Posts – Criteria   One reply is submitted prior to the due date that demonstrates thoughtful, responses to peers.   Spelling and grammar     Citations   Were they provided in APA style?         American Psychological Association (APA) Style for references and citations. APA GUIDE Sample of APA citation: Borlaug, N. (2000). Ending world hunger: the promise of biotechnology and the threat of anti- science zealotry. Plant Physiology, 124(2), 487-90.
Hello, I need help with my nutrient assignment. Please write at least two paragraphs. Conducting more research will help you meet the requirement. Note: A paragraph is 8 sentences or more. Post your
Karimi3 Niuosha Karimi July24/2022 Nutrition 160 Vitamin D Case Study Some of the food sources that are rich in Vitamin D include the flesh of fish liver oils and fatty fish. For instance, she could consume sardines, salmon, and swordfish since she dislikes most fish aside from canned tuna fish. Most types of fish are a rich source of Vitamin D. Some types of oils such as cod liver oil could-I do not expect you to know this but cod liver and fish oils and make the blood more thinner (anticoagulant). Find other resources. Some fish is good in small amounts for her. further increase Joan’s Vitamin D intake. She should continue drinking a glass of fortified milk because dairy milk and plant milks fortified with Vitamin D are rich sources of Vitamin D. For drinks, orange juice fortified with Vitamin D would help her attain the desired Vitamin D requirements. Joan could also consume smaller amounts of egg yolks, beef liver, and cheese as they are known to contain Vitamin D. Fortified cereals are also a rich source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is widely known to help the body absorb and retain minerals such as calcium and phosphorous which are critical for building strong bones. Consuming the foods recommended above and drinks will help Joan achieve the recommended Vitamin D levels in the body and thus effectively fight osteoporosis. Joan’s diet and use of supplements have contributed to her having osteoporosis. First of all, she has a low intake of Vitamin D throughout her diet which depicts a very low intake of Vitamin D. She eats a limited diet because of her chronic low appetite. Second, Joan is taking blood thinning medication, a practice that she has been doing since she was discharged from the hospital in addition to the daily multivitamin intake. Blood thinners are the agents that help to slow down the body’s process of making clots (Willyard, 2020). This shows that Joan has been overconsuming Vitamin K through the blood thinners.This is not correct. You can delete this or reword it. Blood-thinning medications such as Warfarin and Heparin can interfere with Vitamin D use in the body and bone growth. This could lead to bone loss and osteoporosis that Joan was experiencing. Furthermore, the Vitamin D supplements that Joan was using daily over the years could decrease bone turnover and increase bone mineral density, increasing the incidence of osteoporotic fractures (Tong et al., 2020). Therefore, Joan’s diet and use of supplements explain why she had osteoporosis. Do some research on too much Vitamin A and how it affects Vitamin D. Also, research how her age can affect osteoporosis as well. References Tong, J. J., Xu, S. Q., Zong, H. X., Pan, M. J., Teng, Y. Z., & Xu, J. H. (2020). Prevalence and risk factors associated with vertebral osteoporotic fractures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Rheumatology, 39(2), 357-364. Willyard, C. (2020). Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies. Nature, 581(7808), 250.

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