Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and the American Dream.310W2CT

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For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the following:

Imagine that you work for a local chamber of commerce as a research assistant. Your supervisor is concerned about the gendered wage gap your organization is not closing, and the added dimension of race appears to further impact these gaps. You have been charged with conducting research and possible solutions to the issue and your supervisor has asked you to analyze data on educational achievement, income, health statistics, family dynamics, and economic security. A good place to start finding data regarding this issue is the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality website. In addition, you have been asked to review data related to the wage gap that can often be attributed to higher paid positions (like CEOs) being occupied by more men than women or more whites than people of color.


  • Write a 3-4-page report for your imagined supervisor —or about 1500 words—not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
  • Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to APA guidelines.
  • Include a formal References page.
  • You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references and can include resources from this course. Sources such as Wikipedia, USA Today, Fox News, or MSNBC news will not be accepted.

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