The question is below, Religion assignment.

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Week 3: Reflection Essay

In a short essay, complete the following:

  1. Examine the life of Buddha. What kind of world did he come from? What are some of the sacrifices that me made on this path? How did this contribute to the foundations of Buddhism?
  2. Reflect on the personal experience of monks, wanderers, and pilgrims. How do you think these people look for Enlightenment or “Bodhi”? What is the role of “Dharma” and “Nirvana”? What is the role of personal experience within the religious experience. Use specific examples to illustrate your response and support your claims.
  3. Conclude by examining the current role of reflective learning in religion today. Interrogate the role of individual knowledge and communal learning.

This essay should be 3 pages in length (approximately 1500 words, not including a cover page and reference page) and must be in APA format. Your paper should include an introduction and thesis that clearly states your central claim, thoughtful examples and analysis in your body paragraphs, and a conclusion to finalize your thoughts.

Grading Rubric

Week 3: Reflection Essay – 150 Points





Central Idea



Does the paper have a central and unifying idea that addresses the prompt and provides a sustained and thoughtful discussion of the topic? Is the subject of the reflection presented clearly?

Content Organization and Cohesiveness



Is the paper clear, concise, are ideas presented and developed, does the paper flow? How easy/difficult is the paper to read?

Evidence and Analysis



Does the paper include specific evidence to support central claims? Is there thoughtful analysis of the evidence that facilitates a connection between the evidence and key observations?

Grammar, Spelling, Editing, and so on



Is the paper of high quality, few or no misspelled words, correct grammar and punctuation used, and so on?

APA Specifics



Correct use of APA style present in citations, references, and so on, not the presence or absence of in-text citations or references/bibliography page/entries.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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