This contains discussion and one assignment

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Discussion Post /Assignment

1st— Long-Term Financial Health (200 words)

Investigate at least five different savings and investment vehicles, including savings deposit accounts, mutual funds, IRAs, 401ks, 403bs, etc. Determine the costs, return on investment, risks, and appropriateness for you. Discuss in this forum what you learned and how you can use this knowledge to increase your personal wealth.

2nd— Credit Cards ( word count doesn’t matter)

Choose one of the following organizations and visit its website:

Then prepare a report that summarizes the information the organization provides. How could this information help you to choose your credit card?

3rd—-Renting vs. Buying (200 words)

Consider whether renting or buying a home is the best approach to achieving your long-term financial goals. Use the text concepts, tools, and various data (housing rental costs, home sale prices, mortgage rates, etc.) available to you in your geographic area, and your current and future financial condition to analyze your rent or purchase potential. Suggested websites include Apartment Living/Rental (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Texas Apartment Association (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Remember to account for any future increase/decrease in costs, mortgage debt, closing costs, insurance, appreciation or loss, taxes, etc., related to your decision. Determine which would be best for you now and in the future.

4th—- Life Insurance (200)

Life insurance can be used to hedge against future risk of financial loss to others (beneficiaries) due to your (policy holder’s) death. But do you need life insurance, and if you do, how much do you need? Read Chapter 12 and use the methods defined (“The Easy Method,” The DINK Method,” “The Non-Working Spouse Method,” and/or “The Family Need Method) as appropriate to conduct your assessment. Determine whether you need life insurance. Then estimate how much, if any, life insurance you should carry. Should you use “term” or “whole life” to meet your needs? What other life insurance products could you use to meet your financial goals? What is the potential that your life insurance needs will change over your life? What would be a good strategy to deal with that change? Determine what would be best for you now and in the future.Did this process reveal something new to you?

5th—-Personal Bankruptcy Assignment (350 words)

What Develop a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) focusing on the selection of the most relevant factors to consider in a personal bankruptcy. You need to address the following:

Describe the factors you should consider when assessing the choices related to declaring personal bankruptcy.

Explain why personal bankruptcy should be the choice of last resort.

You must use at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, and follow APA guidelines as outlined in the approved APA style guide


Kapoor, J.R., Dlabay, L.R., & Hughes, R.J., Hart, M.M. (2017). Personal finance (12th ed.). Retrieved from

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