Discussion: Risk and Return

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the types of investments you’ll use for retirement planning purposes. The answer isn’t as easy as, “I’ll just contribute to my 401k.” You have options and YOU are ultimately responsible for your own financial success. A 401k is a great vehicle for retirement planning, but you get to make some choices about how you want your money invested within your 401k. Now, with that being said, the employer you have will dictate how many (and which specific) options you have for your 401k investments. On the other hand, some of you may start your own businesses or work for a company that doesn’t offer you a “match”. Others may find that you want something more than just your 401k for retirement.

What types of investments will you look for when you’re planning for retirement? How do you think your stock/bond split should be divided? What about risk versus reward — is it worth it to you to have a higher portion of your investments in stocks in order to attempt to earn more in the market?

This discussion is really intended to focus on your level of risk-taking at this stage in your life (and why!).


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