article discussion

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How to do the assignment: Identify and share an article (article can be a video, an article from a sociological journal, or even one from a quality magazine) representing a social problem addressed in chapters 13-18, then write an essay where you analyze the article and then answer the 5 questions below. Once your classmates have submitted their posts, ‘reply’ to at least two student’s posts by critically evaluating their comments, propose alternatives, expand on their ideas, etc.

For this assignment, you will need to do the following:

  1. Identify and define the specific social rule/norm/value that is the source of the social problem.
  2. Discuss the specific social problems and their cause-effect patterns.
  3. Compare and contrast various social problem programs and/or treatments in terms of their effectiveness.
  4. Apply the three main social theories to various social problems in society.
  5. Critically evaluate the proposed ways to alleviate the major social problems facing society today.

Note: the essay should be a minimum of 500 words.

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