Descriptive Essay AND Outline!!

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Write a description on this following topic. Your description may contain passages demonstrating ather modes, such as comparison or cause and effect. Select details carefully. Determine whether your description should rely on factual objective support or subjective impressions. In choosing diction, be aware of impact of connotation.

Topic: A consumer or social trend like online shopping, texting, or speed dating.



Descriptive Essay. Only 3rd person and present tense. Think like a news reporter – describing something in great detail. It is not in 1st person (I, me, my, we, our) and it is not in 2nd person (YOU).

Some things to look for and to make sure that you have in your essay:


.MLA correct?

.Introduction/grabber sentence?

.Thesis sentence

.Body 1, 2, 3 with transitional sentences in between sentences?

.Evidence to support thesis?

.Conclusion – restate the intro?

.Consistent tense? Point of view? WAS THIS IN PRESENT TENSE and 3rd person (he, she, it, they, them, their, one, someone, or one, or you can use someones name)


Write a description on this following topic. Your description may contain passages demonstrating ather modes, such as comparison or cause and effect. Select details carefully. Determine whether your description should rely on factual objective support or subjective impressions. In choosing diction, be aware of impact of connotation.

Topic: A consumer or social trend like online shopping, texting, or speed dating.


I. Intro and thesis (three subtopics)

II. Body (Subtopic 1)

III. Body (Subtopic 2)

IV. Body (Subtopic 3)

V. Conclusion


Example: Thesis: When a person sees this very compelling man, he or she would see that he has distinct features in his face, his hands are very dirty, and he has many holes in his clothes.

I. Intro about this man, and the thesis

II. His face

III. His hands

IV. His clothing

V. Discuss him again, and reiterate the thesis.



Outline – to organize your pre-writing

I. Intro and thesis (three subtopics)

II. Body (Subtopic 1)

III. Body (Subtopic 2)

IV. Body (Subtopic 3)

V. Conclusion


Example: Thesis: When a person sees this very compelling man, he or she would see that he has distinct features in his face, his hands are very dirty, and he has many holes in his clothes.

I. Intro about this man, and the thesis

II. His face

III. His hands

IV. His clothing

V. Discuss him again, and reiterate the thesis.

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