Thinking sociologically about August 2011 riots in England

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UK Prime Minister David Cameron called the August 2011 riots in England, “criminality
pure and simple.” For sociologists, however, there is nothing “pure and simple” about
such events. Thinking sociologically about the riots means trying to understand what
were the social characteristics of the rioters, what were their motivations, what
discontents were they expressing, and what social conditions prompted them to enact
their discontents in this particular way. What light can sociology shed on these events?
What do we know about the rioters’ sense of social and political marginalization and
economic deprivation, their perception of the police, the motivation for looting, the
influence of consumer culture, the role of communication technology and the media in
the spread of rioting? You should refer to LSE/The Guardian, Reading the Riots report
and other materials that i uploaded and any other sociological literature,
video, news reports and commentary that you deem relevant.

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