Discussion#1 Based on your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate? Why? Now, take what you have learned through

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Based on your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate? Why?

Now, take what you have learned through any personal experiences you may have had to respond to the following scenario:

Three new students have been assigned to your fourth-grade math class. Each student has a particular learning style. How do you ensure you are providing them with effective instructional strategies based on their learning styles?

  • Peggy requires structure and has visual preferences.
  • George requires a quiet learning environment, is teacher-motivated, prefers learning alone, is a factual and kinesthetic learner, and requires mobility.
  • Moses lacks persistence, is a peer-oriented learner, has auditory preferences, requires food while he is working, and learns best in the morning.

For each of the students, complete a description under each of the following headings:

  • Teaching Strategy
  • Evaluation/Assessment Strategy

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