strategy development paper.

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I’ve attached the original Comprehensive Business Plan. the company is Starbucks and the business goal is to to invest and expand their menu to include healthy food and specifically a healthy protein shake.

Part I: State your overall company strategy to support the business goal of your chosen business opportunity in technical terms such as pricing, differentiation,
and responsiveness.

Part II: Provide an initial demand forecast for your product/service for the first six months of operation. Discuss the technical rationale for your forecasting
method and why it is better than other methods of forecasting.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  •  Clearly explain your company’s strategy to support the business goal of your chosen business opportunity in technical terms such as pricing,
    differentiation, and responsiveness. (Clearly explains company’s strategy to
    support business goal and provides
    detailed technical terms
  •  Provide an initial demand forecast for your product/service for the first six months of operation.(Provides initial demand forecast for
    product/service for six months)
  •  Discuss the technical rationale for your forecasting method and why it is better than other methods of forecasting. (Discusses the technical rationale for
    forecasting method and provides
    explanation of why it is better)

3 pages with 3 references.

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