psychology question

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Watch the “Milk” video from the link below and Write 3 pages opinion paper with the following issues addressed:

Milk –…

Pick one of the lead characters and explain the power structure within the movie and their role within it, and whether or not the structure changes during the film. Does the perceived gender of the characters affect the power structure and if so, how?

What are your first impressions of the lead character chosen? How does knowing their sexuality affect your opinion of the person?

What are your opinions of main character’s family (or closest friends)? How have their views on what the person has done affected them? How have their choices affected their families (friends)?

What are your opinions of transsexuality? Do you agree or disagree with the ethics of it? Why? Or what about homosexuality? Or what about cross-dressing?

(Conclusion of paper will address the following question, in detail.) How would you feel if you were a person facing the challenges faced by the main character?

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