Topic: “Three Compelling Reasons for Eradicating Illiteracy” Creating a Thesis Statement. Thesis statement has to be in one paragraph. The Thesis statement should be debatable. Given a few rules and

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Topic: “Three Compelling Reasons for Eradicating Illiteracy”

Creating a Thesis Statement. Thesis statement has to be in one paragraph. The Thesis statement should be debatable. Given a few rules and examples below follow those.

1. State your topic and a viewpoint about

that topic

Basic Formula:

Topic + Viewpoint (opinion, argument)

on topic = Thesis Statement

2. Limit the scope

3. Make sure it is debatable or in need of


4. Can preview points to come

Example for thesis statement:

While eReaders continue to increase in popularity, they will never replace books. Books appeal more to collectors, they are easier to lend to a friend, and they are cheaper to replace.


The introduction of a research paper is meant to lead readers into the topic by catching their attention, providing necessary background information to understand the topic, and ending with a clear thesis statement.  It gives readers what they need to understand the arguments that follow and lets them know what to expect in the rest of the paper. The introduction does not begin to discuss the arguments.  It does not begin to try to convince the readers of the thesis.

Body paragraph:

Write the first three body paragraphs based on the thesis statement. In the next three paragraphs Write the counterarguments section of your essay.

conclusion and abstract:

Write the conclusion and abstract sections of your essay

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