Write 3 short papers 1-2 pages each

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Write 3 short papers 1-2 pages each APA format. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements: 1–2 pages. ORIGINAL CONTENT!!

1. Short Paper Organizational Change

What does the term managing organizational change mean to you? Is it possible to not have change in an organization? Is change best driven by the leadership or is change more effective in a grass roots movement. Should change be resisted at all costs? Is change a good or a bad thing? Discuss, substantiating your position with the research that you have collected.

2. Short Paper New Take on Old Adage

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” is an adage that has been around for many years. Take a position for or against this saying and provide a substantive argument in support of your case.

3. Short Paper Implementing Change

Think of a specific change you would like to bring to your organization. Describe the change, the value that you believe the change would bring to the organization, and the methodology that you would use (top-down or bottom-up) in order to implement the change.

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