Operation Management

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Operation Management

Your boss has just come to you and told you that your company is now going in the direction of lean manufacturing so they can cut down on waste in the production process. Hearing this news, you realize you need to research lean manufacturing to determine what your company is doing.

  • What is lean manufacturing? Provide examples of companies using lean manufacturing and how it benefits them.
  • What are the requirements for balancing JIT (just in time) and lean systems?
  • Are any employees affected if a company decides to switch to a lean system? If so which ones and why?
  • Is lean manufacturing a push or pull system? Explain.

Grading Criteria

% of grade for this assignment

Lean manufacturing is defined with examples of companies using lean manufacturing.


The requirements for balancing JIT (just in time) and lean systems are discussed.


Is lean manufacturing a push or pull system? Explain.


Report thesis is clearly defined and supported with substantial, relevant information. Ideas are presented logically and precisely. Conclusion is cogent and stimulating.


At least three noncourse related sources are used with proper APA citation and references


The sentences are skillfully constructed, effective, and varied. Words used are vivid, accurate, and original. The writing is without serious flaws in grammar or mechanics. APA conventions are consistently followed.


Please refer to the following multimedia course materials:

  • Unit 4: Inventory

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