1)Paul and Ava are parents to 3-month-old Kim. After giving birth, Ava decided to spend several months at home caring for Kim, but she plans to return to her full-time job as soon as her 12-week mate

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1)Paul and Ava are parents to 3-month-old Kim.  After giving birth, Ava decided to spend several months at home caring for Kim, but she plans to return to her full-time job as soon as her 12-week maternity leave ends.  Some of Ava’s friends have expressed concerns about her returning to work so soon, and Paul’s parents are worried that Kim may experience learning and behavioral problems if she begins attending child care at such a young age.  Ave enjoys being a stay-at-home mom but she and Paul need the income that Ava’s job will provide.

Using what you have read in the text as a guide, what advice would you give Paul and Ava?  Are the concerns of friends and family valid?  Why or why not? What type of support can Paul provide after Ava returns to work?  What qualities should Paul and Ava look for when choosing a child-care center?

2)Aiden is a difficult 2-year-old whose parents both work long hours for low pay and do not have reliable child-care arrangements.  They sometimes use angry, punitive discipline, and Aiden typically reacts with defiance and disobedience.  His parents respond inconsistently.  Sometimes they reward his noncompliance by giving in to it, but at other times they continue their coercive tactics.

Using what you have read in the text, identify some changes that might improve the goodness of fit for these parents and their children.

Must contain 100 words for each  scenario

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