Healthcare Delivery Systems SLP 2

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Managed Care

Watch the following video in preparation for this assignment:

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). (2010).
Introduction. Retrieved from

Use what you learned from the video, the module’s required readings,
and your own research to answer the following questions in your paper.

  1. Discuss the purpose of accreditation. Has the process of
    accreditation really improved the quality of care being provided to
  2. Identify and discuss the process of accreditation for the chosen agency.
  3. Discuss some of the standards they look for when they go on-site. Are the standards rigorous or vague?
  4. Do these agencies make the results of their surveys public? How could knowing this information be beneficial to patients?

3-page paper, 3 cited sources from required reading

Required Reading

Affordable Care Act; findings from Mayo Clinic provide new insights
into Affordable Care Act (expected and unexpected consequences of the
Affordable Care Act: The impact on patients and surgeons—pro and con
arguments). (2016). Managed Care Weekly Digest, 63.

Berenson, R. A., Burton, R. A., & McGrath, M. (2016). Do
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) help or hinder primary care
physicians’ ability to deliver high-quality care? Healthcare, 4(3), 155-159.

Hoffman, S. (2015). Managed care, the legal system, and checklist medicine. Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, 31(6), 8.

Managed care; researchers at American College of Physicians Report
new data on managed care (preconsultation exchange in the United States:
Use, awareness, and attitudes). (2015). Insurance Weekly News, 171.

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA); NCQA health
insurance plan ratings—valuable tool for consumers. (2015, November 1). Health Insurance Law Weekly, p. 31.

Owen, R., Heller, T., & Bowers, A. (2016). Health services
appraisal and the transition to Medicaid Managed Care from fee for
service. Disability and Health Journal, 9(2). 239-247

Sonderling, H. (2015, September 16). ValueWalk: Could managed care
companies help offset rising healthcare costs? [Web log post]. Newstex Global Business Blogs. Chatham: Newstex.

Waitzkin, H., & Hellander, I. (2016). Obamacare: The neoliberal
model comes home to roost in the United States—if we let it. Monthly Review, 68(1), 1-18.

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