HR Strategic Planning Training SLP

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A common form of training is cooperative training. There are two widely used cooperative training methods: internships and apprentice training. In both forms of trainings, there is a combination of classroom training (formal education) and on-the-job training (experience) that can be used for career development. Based on your experiences, discuss the added value of cooperative training. How do we as HRM professionals objectively determine the “value” of cooperative trainings? Then, discuss the problems of cooperative training that should be taken into consideration by human resource professionals. Finally, make a recommendation as to how cooperative training can be assessed and assessed and used for succession planning.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be short (2-3 pages, not including the cover sheet, references, and assessment sheet) and to the point. You are expected to deal with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to be answered one by one and left at that.

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