Assignment 1 – Position Paper Educational leaders face many critical issues that must be addressed. In order to be fully informed, you must consider multiple perspectives, analyze your own perspective

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Assignment 1 – Position Paper

Educational leaders face many critical issues that must be addressed. In order to be fully informed, you must consider multiple perspectives, analyze your own perspectives, and be able to present a rationale for your beliefs and actions.

For this assignment, you will choose and explore one of the following topics:

  1. Is constructivism the best philosophy of education?
  2. Is Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning relevant to the learning environment?
  3. Do computers negatively affect student growth?
  4. Should teachers consider Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development as they facilitate learning in their classrooms?
  5. Should every teacher be culturally responsive? Does multicultural education align with being culturally responsive?

After choosing your topic, locate an article and a research study that investigates your selected topic. Write a five-page maximum paper in which you synthesize information on your chosen topic from the article and research study you have chosen. Include a description of both sides of the issue and choose the side you agree with. Explain your choice.

Please note: The cover page and references do not count towards the five-page maximum. Additionally, your paper should also include a brief abstract (125 word maximum).

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