Week 7 Assignment: Critique the Effectiveness of Zero Tolerance Policies

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Activity Description

For this assignment, you have reviewed
several sources about zero tolerance. Then, write a paper that critiques
the effectiveness of the zero tolerance policy. Be sure to address the
following in your paper:

  • Provide a complete definition of zero tolerance.
  • Explain the pros and cons of zero tolerance. Provide detailed examples to support your thoughts and findings.
  • Defend your stance on the topic. Specifically, explain how a school
    leader should address repetitive behaviors. Then, determine if zero
    tolerance policies are appropriate for any and all situations, and
    explain why or why not.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In
addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly
resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages in APA format.

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the
ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and
insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect
scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to
Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Are zero tolerance policies effective in the schools?: An evidentiary review and recommendations. (2008).

Review Article


AdvancementProjectCD. (2009, May 21). ABC NEWS zero tolerance school discipline policies [Video file].

Watch Video

Skiba, R. J. (2000). Zero tolerance, zero evidence: An analysis of school disciplinary practice.

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