1. Choose an article from a professional nursing journal that reflects or involves the nursing process in some way. Summarize and discuss this article and relate the nursing process to this article.

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1. Choose an article from a professional nursing journal that reflects or involves the nursing process in some way.  Summarize and discuss this article and relate the nursing process to this article. The article may not spell out the nursing process per say, rather the nursing process may be embedded within the article. For example, an article may be about post operative care of the total knee patient: assessment would involve what specific assessments would be required for this patient, a plan that might involve hydration and mobility, then interventions which would be very specific and lastly of course, how to evaluate how effective your nursing plan was. This part should be 2 pages long.

2. The final part will be your analysis of this plan and a reflection on any personal experience you may have had that you could possibly relate to this article summary. This experience could be from a work experience, or maybe a personal experience involving say a family member who had surgery. This part should be 1 page long.

3. Please use the assignment rubric below to help guide you in your writing process. APA format is required.

Journals chosen should be within five years of publication.  They should be from an acknowledged organization with a history of medical publication (e.g. not Reader’s Digest, TIME or Boy’s Life, etc.)  Articles should be at least 2 pages long

Journal Assignment N-111 RTB      RUBRIC:


1)    APA Style

Student adhered to the correct Standards of English (grammar and writing):


20 pts Proficient APA formatting followed. References and bibliography included. Sentence structure and verb tenses align. Grammar and spell check are used and advice followed. There are no run on sentences; punctuation is perfect.

2) Content

Answered every question being asked with sufficient details, examples, and critical engagement. Writings could also include quotes from assigned readings and journal article(s):


25 pts Proficient Excellent review of article, with student commentary as to the relevance and impact. Personal reflection includes examples and impact. If a Nursing Diagnosis is included, it is critiqued.

3) Source

Journal article chosen is current within 5 years. Journal is from a reputable and recognized medical organization. Article is at least 2 pages long and has references. Article is not an op-ed. Any studies referenced can be verified.


5 pts Proficient Article and Journal fit initial description. Article relevant to topic, and applicable to nursing practice

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