Instructions Prepare an essay addressing the issue of in-country culture or subculture impact on marketing of the selected product. What is the impact of culture and subcultures in the selected countr

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Instructions Prepare an essay addressing the issue of in-country culture or subculture impact on marketing of the selected product. What is the impact of culture and subcultures in the selected country and populated area on an in-country organization? Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length. You should have a minimum of one external source that does not include your textbook. Adhere to APA Style (7th ed.) when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Use the following format for organizing your submission.

  1. Restate the issue fully. Thoroughly identify courtesies, behaviors, and customs of the subcultures. Generally, no in-text citations or sources are needed for this section.
  2. After you have completed your research, document your findings as related to the issues identified above. Provide your readers with the information and data (e.g., charts, graphs) to support your analysis and arguments. In this section, you will need in-text citations and references, which should be formatted using APA Style (7th ed.).
  3. Using the material presented in Section II, analyze and argue all possible sides of the possible courtesies, behaviors, and customs as you feel are necessary. Focus on trying to make good cases for choosing different solutions.
  4. Provide your readers with your recommendations and conclusions.

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