I will be sending the articles through support Read: Why Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You That a $20 Prescription Could Cost Only $8 Answer the following questions: What point(s) is the author trying

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I will be sending the articles through support

Read: Why Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You That a $20 Prescription Could Cost Only $8

Answer the following questions:

  1. What point(s) is the author trying to make? Do you agree or disagree?
  2. What is the current role of the drug benefit managers? Should their role change?  Are consumers getting the benefit of these managers?

Read: Big Insurer Will Pass On Discounts To Insured Actions

Answer the following questions:

  1. What do you think of the policy change discussed in the article?
  2. Who benefits?
  3. How does the policy change relate to the high cost of health care?
  4. How does it affect providers? The pharmaceutical industry?

All reviews must be at least 400 words long (excluding the title and the citations). All article reviews must be written using word “docx” files only, no PDF files. The written assignments will be based on material provided to students. You will have to show an understanding of finance terms and the article provided. Students must use the APA method of citation in all written assignments, where applicable.



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