(1) The movie and music I chose is Pitch Perfect, the final scene. I chose this particular movie because the girls in the movie use their different pitches of their voices to make the different sounds

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The movie and music I chose is Pitch Perfect, the final scene. I chose this particular movie because the girls in the movie use their different pitches of their voices to make the different sounds of the instruments. When I compare Pitch Perfect music to any Disney music, I pay attention more the the Pitch Perfects music lyrics then I do Disney, because the whole movie is based on them singing. The singing and music in Pitch Perfect also hits home to me because I used to be in choir and I had to sing with the girls/boys who had the deeper voices. If you notice at minute 1:55, Brittany Snow started to make her voice deeper as the other girls were singing at a higher pitch. Aside from Pitch Perfect, I love all kinds of musicals. Whether it being High School Musical, Hannah Montana, Sing, Encanto, or even the little shows that go on at Six Flags and Sea World. Music speaks to me by calming me down and helping my mind take a break from the real world.


There are so many great movies that are accompanied by great music, so this took some thinking. In my opinion one of the greatest movies is My Sister’s Keeper. The movie is an inspiring, heart-warming, roller-coaster that goes through the ups and downs of cancer and its effects not only on the ill, but the entire family. There are so many great songs and musical effects incorporated, but the most moving for me is the beach scene song. In this scene the family is out at the beach enjoying and relaxing with their daughter, despite Kate’s condition. The mother, Sara, was extremely upset and the family went against her wishes to take daughter Kate to the beach. Eventually Sara is swayed and it’s an emotional, beautiful scene where Sara relaxes a bit and just enjoys the time with her family. The song is Feels Like Home by Randy Newman but sang by Bonnie Raitt. This is by far the happiest scene in the entire movie and because of the placement of the scene it always makes me ball like a baby. The beat of the music along with the beautiful lyrics helps to set the mood of the scene and display the strong love between family. If you have not seen this movie or heard this song, I definitely recommend it.

Edwina Hayes – Feels Like Home (My Sister’s Keeper) – YouTube


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