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I have a case study about a non profit organisation ( Bread for the world).

I need you to read it and make sure that all the following questions are answered, I’m sure that there are few that are not answered or not answered enough, if you see so please fix it and modify in a different color.

This is what I want to know: how do they plan? what plans do they develop? how are those plans integrated and especially how does the strategic level planning connect to resource planning? What is the process they use to make decisions for how they distribute resources? Who recommends? who decides? How are priorities set? What is their budgeting process? What budget system do they use? How do they control the flow of funding in the budget year to make sure they don’t run out of funds? What accounting system (cash, accrual, modified accrual, etc) do they use and if you can tell, why? How do they control finances and meet financial reporting requirements? Do they use knowledge management and if so how? Do they use performance management? If so, what measures do they use and how do they tie to strategic planning? Do they use risk management, if so how? How do they use audit? Do they have a continuity plan? Notice that my emphasis is on process and how. If you can answer these questions either in your data provided and/or your analysis and recommendations, you have a good case study.

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