Go to the following website to read about Ted Kaczynski, psychology homework help

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.1. Go to the following website to read about Ted Kaczynski. http://www.freeinfosociety.com/article.php?id=232 What was his diagnosis? Do you feel that he showed warning signs growing up or as an adult in his teaching career that would alert someone of a potential problem? Why do you think he was overlooked as having a disorder until he was convicted? Do you feel he was sentenced fairly or should they have treated him as an insanity case? Give reasons to support your answers. Please remember you need to write in complete sentences. Spelling and grammar will count towards your grade on all assignments.

2..In 2-3 paragraphs, explain to me why there are so many diagnoses for children suffering from ADHD. Do you think children that have been diagnosed with ADHD are treated differently at school and by friends? Does being labeled affect children’s self-esteem?

Please remember spelling and grammar counts toward your grade in everything you do for the class.

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