Please respond to the following BUS 520 Assignment 3 Week 9 ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS

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BUS 520 Assignment 3 Week 9 ORGANIZATIONAL Issues And Solutions Influence of Politics

Due Week 9: 240 points

In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational
culture in turn hinder organizational productivity. In your role as
consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate


Create a double-spaced 5 to 7 page report that addresses the following:

1) Influence of Politics and Power

Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the
organization’s culture.

2) Sources of Power

Explore the sources of power and describe how management
could use this influence to benefit your department and improve
organizational performance.

3) Leadership Behavior and Culture

Make recommendations that support how the study of power
and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve
the organization’s culture.

4) Leadership Influence

Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior.
How does it influence organizational structure and

5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources.
• In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting
another source.

6) Formatting and Writing Standards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align
your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.

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