explain the function and significance of both objectivity and subjectivity in assessment practices?

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For this assignment, you will write a research and reflection paper which explains the function and significance of both objectivity and subjectivity in assessment practices.

  1. Research the subjects of objectivity and subjectivity in observation and assessment practices. You must collect at least three (3) credible resources for this assignment.
  2. Discuss the function and significance of each concept using the following questions as a guide:
    1. How does using the objective perspective provide accuracy in the assessment process?
    2. How does using the subjective perspective provide accuracy and relevancy in the assessment process?
    3. How does an objective approach present indicators of effectiveness throughout the early learning setting?
    4. How can a subjective approach assist the educator/caregiver in planning a comprehensive curriculum?
  3. Include your personal reflections throughout, connecting your thoughts to your research.

Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, written in APA format,

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