Name of topic: Stakeholder Analysis & Gap Analysis Purpose of this Exercise: The purpose of this exercise is to make you examine the concept of stakeholders and the various gap analysis techniques

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Name of topic: Stakeholder Analysis & Gap Analysis

Purpose of this Exercise:

The purpose of this exercise is to make you examine the concept of stakeholders and the various gap analysis techniques.

This exercise follows the course learning outcomes elaborated below: 1.0 Explain the impact of Stakeholders in Projects.

1.1 Identify Stakeholder and best practices, its inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs. 1.2 List the necessary steps to gather and identify stakeholders.

1.3 Define and match stakeholder needs and business needs. 1.4 List techniques to assess business capabilities and gaps.


Choose the company of your choice and list the type of Stakeholder analysis and Gap analysis followed by that particular company.

Word limit: 500 words (+,-10%)

1. Guidelines:

 Times New Roman 12-point font, double- spaced, and 2.5 to 3 cm margins are considered a standard.

 Page limit 3 pages, no less than 500 words,

heading should be in APA format

refrences are required.

it has four question. please answers them carefull.

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