Report – Part 2 Please address the following for Part 2: Outline in draft form the following: Table of ContentsIntroductionBusiness Proposal for AI (and/or robotic) ApplicationsAI (and/or robotic) Sys

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Report – Part 2

Please address the following for Part 2:

Outline in draft form the following:

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Business Proposal for AI (and/or robotic) Applications
  • AI (and/or robotic) System
  • Research Findings
  • Issues with Proposal
  • Benefit with Proposal
  • Conclusion
  • References

Report – Part 2 Please address the following for Part 2: Outline in draft form the following: Table of ContentsIntroductionBusiness Proposal for AI (and/or robotic) ApplicationsAI (and/or robotic) Sys
AI AND ROBOTS ISSUES Joel Rodriguez APUS AMU BUSN 600 AI AND ROBOTS’ ISSUES Artificial intelligence is the process where computer systems and machines are provided with human intelligence, including vision recognition, language, and speech processing. At the same time, robots are provided with physical and mental abilities like humans. The major issues within artificial intelligence are data storage and data security due to increased social engineering data getting hacked from companies. It is a severe issue for businesses today since when their confidential data is stolen maliciously, there is litigation and lost reputations. Loureiro et al. (2021). The second issue is the trust deficit, where although there has been improvement in performance by AI and robotics, people still worry that their predicted output is not similar to their expectations. Therefore, their operations are different from what non-specialists understand, which causes trust issues. It has been a major problem, especially in the finance and banking sector or the self-driven vehicles. Most people do not believe these vehicles can navigate without major accidents. Therefore, trust is a major issue in these organizations. The final issue with AI and robots is the limited amount of information they hold. For AI solutions to provide better services in the future, they should gain adequate data with great significance in their areas of operations. Therefore the decisions made are limited. It is not a very common issue in businesses today since when most robots and AI devices are made, they are tailored and fine-tuned to meet the company’s specific needs. Therefore there is no knowledge limitation or potential bias. Additionally, there are regular improvements made for improvements. Cubric (2020). The major comparison between these issues is that they are all related to the people served by the new technological programs. Therefore their introduction to the people has brought about positive and adverse consequences. For example, they have led to data loss, customer trust issues, and biased decisions that are against the user’s preferences. If these programs are properly developed and regularly updated, there are fewer issues. I believe that the issues may corrupt the business’ operations, especially when there is a data privacy issue or denial of service, and the organization may lose its ability to use and manipulate the information. Therefore there is a need to ensure a robust security system and backup of data to ensure in case of compromise. The security control system should be able to assess and control the security framework since it may affect the performance of business applications. Additionally, the bias aspect may affect the company’s applications, while the trust issues may not affect the organization internally. Some business options I will research include the e-commerce sector, which has boomed recently, especially during covid19, when online sales have increased drastically. The appropriate type of AI is artificial general intelligence (AGI), which helps apply different knowledge and skills in different contexts. Examples include labeling and packaging products for online companies that reduce customers’ waiting time. Mahdi et al. (2021). The second option is the automobile business which has also increased recently with the increase in self-driven vehicles. The appropriate type of AI is the reactive machines AI that helps in perceiving the world as it is while replacing it, therefore, making real-time reactions to different road conditions. The final business option is the healthcare industry business, where new robotics are getting developed to make health monitoring for patients relatively easier. Doctors are also remaining in touch with their patients and providing emergency services when required. The proper type is self-aware AI which helps in thinking and acting on their own without referring to humans. Therefore they are aware of the current patient’s conditions and request for doctor’s assistance when needed. References Cubric, M. (2020). Drivers, barriers and social considerations for AI adoption in business and management: A tertiary study. Technology in Society, 62, 101257. Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J., & Tussyadiah, I. (2021). Artificial intelligence in business: state of the art and future research agenda. Journal of business research, 129, 911-926. Mahdi, Q. S., Saleh, I. H., Hashim, G., & Loganathan, G. B. (2021). Evaluation of robot professor technology in teaching and business. Information Technology in Industry, 9(1), 1182-1194.

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