demonstrate critical thinking abilities, management homework help

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Please demonstrate critical thinking abilities. No fewer
than 100 words for post.

For this response, should outside sources be used to support
the content within the postings, proper in-text citations and correctly
formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA (6th edition).
The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the

4.How would you design a survey for setting pay for welders?
Financial managers? Do the issues differ? Will the techniques used and the data
collected differ? Why/why not?

Compensation surveys are designed to collect data
(specifically, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) that includes
detailed information on employment by gender and race/ethnicity by job
groupings from all employers that are not considered small. The earnings data
collected by the EEOC are for state employees and local governments; excludes
school systems and educational institutions, and the earning data are limited
to major gender and race/ethic groups for a total of eight salary ranges (US
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2012). I would design a similar
compensation survey for welders that would obtain data on a semi-annual basis
and it would be a more custom survey. This way the answers are specific to the
company’s peer group and more detailed in nature. I believe that providing a
similar method when collecting data for financial managers as well. This way
companies are comparing salaries to like positions in like areas. The issues
vary to a point as these are different jobs in different sectors of the market;
however, the significant data would be very similar (race, gender, earnings
data, etc.). The technique to obtain this data would be to send out
questionnaires to like companies in like areas. The questionnaires would be
distributed to survey respondents through email and given two to six weeks to
complete the survey. The data collection then will be analyzed by the surveying
company and then distributed out to the participants and others (Coleman,

Coleman, Bill. (2017). Compensation surveys. Retrieved from to an external site.

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2012).
Collecting compensation data from employers. Retrieved from…

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