Discussion Post: Requiring employees to perform or execute their responsibilities is a typical component to an organization’s system. Telling employees to perform may often leave them feeling like the

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Discussion Post:

Requiring employees to perform or execute their responsibilities is a typical component to an organization’s system. Telling employees to perform may often leave them feeling like they are being controlled. However, when employees feel motivated, the process transitions from being told to perform to wanting to perform. As such, employees’ performance is greatly enhanced when they are motivated to do so.

For your initial post, answer the following prompts:

  1. Identify a specific human behavior theory of motivation and give a supportive workplace example where employees where either positively or negatively influenced to demonstrate top performance. If you do not have any workplace experience, consider a situation that you have experienced in school when you felt motivated to improve your performance.
  2. In your example, what techniques were used to instill motivation?

Support your initial post and response posts with scholarly sources cited in APA style.

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