Discussion 4 Conduct scholarly research to provide a detailed response, management homework help

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Conduct scholarly research to provide a detailed response to the question listed below. Response should be no fewer than 250 words and should be supported with scholarly research (referenced following APA formatting standards), All aspects of APA formatting followed with no spelling/grammar errors. Addresses specifics of question demonstrating critical thinking abilities by synthesizing research. Please do not plagiarized.

Angela Lacy, an African American employee in your accounts receivable department, has filed a charge of discrimination, alleging she was unfairly passed over for promotion and regularly receives smaller pay increases than do employees who perform less well (she alleges). You have to go to your boss, the VP of HR, and explain what elements of your HR system can be used to your legal defense. What things do you hope you did in setting up and administering your systems to counter this discrimination charge?

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