Globalization Trade and Investments

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International Business Practices MGM 355

Part 1 Globalization

Primary Task Response: write 400–600 words Review this link and research a multinational corporation (this link can be a helpful starting point). Then, answer the following questions:

  • How do the changing technology and the falling barriers to trade and investment reflect the success of this company?
  • How does the company show corporate social responsibility in terms of labor conditions, human rights, fair trade, and the environment?
  • What actions can a multinational corporation take that would make globalization a positive development for the global economy?

Part 2 International Trade and Investment

Primary Task Response: write 400–600 words

Dispute settlement is the focus of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the way that the organization keeps the global economy stable.

  • What is the WTO, and what is its history?
  • What are the benefits of being a member of the WTO?
  • What are the disadvantages?
  • How does it settle disputes?

Choose a recent dispute between 2 countries, and discuss it with your peers. Include the following:

  • Summary of what happened
  • How it was resolved
  • Role played by the WTO
  • Do you agree with the resolution?

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