the motivation of staff and customersin hospitality

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You will be responsible for providing an in-depth look at the current issue in hospitality topic you previously selected and was approved by your instructor. This paper will expand on the topic beyond the issue justification you’ve already completed.

At a minimum, this justification should address:

1. The issue.

2. The scope of the issue: How much of an issue is this topic?

3. Two sides of the issue. Every story has two perspectives or sides, so inform us of both sides to the argument or issue.

4. The implications of the issue: How might this impact the hospitality industry and employees working within the industry?

The paper you submit needs to be completed in APA format. A cover page and reference page is expected. In total, your paper should be at least 7 pages, with five pages being thoroughly research content on your topic. This paper will be submitted as a Word document and will be due March 23rd by 11:59pm at least 20 reference


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