Expanding Horizons Part2 Pool1 Questions 1 ( 20 Points ) Setting plays a very important role in The Hobbit. Setting influences much about the story and it characters. Think about the different setting

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Expanding Horizons Part2 Pool1

Questions 1 ( 20 Points )

Setting plays a very important role in The Hobbit. Setting influences much about the story and it characters. Think about the different settings in the story. How does the setting relate to the characters in the hobbit? How does the setting influence theme? Explain your answers using specific examples from the novel.

Part2 Pool2

A theme is a major message that a writer conveys through a text. You have explored many themes in The Hobbit.One theme in the novel is that greed can affect one’s judgment. Using specific examples from the text , explains how this theme develops over the course of the novel.

Please no copy /paste from brainly . if you read the Hobbit you should know this.


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