1. Over the past 16 years, only two building permits for new housing construction have been issued in Sedgwick County, Colorado. This is consistent with the depopulation (particularly of younger perso

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1. Over the past 16 years, only two building permits for new housing construction have been issued in Sedgwick County, Colorado. This is consistent with the depopulation (particularly of younger persons) and economic diminution that is attributed to a declining rainfall since the 1970s. These are quantitative details. It is unclear how much of the depopulation was due to perceived opportunities elsewhere, to copycat or fad behavior, and to perceived change in local economic opportunity. Why is qualitative analysis more likely to identify the leading cause of Sedgwick County’s out-migration than quantitative methods? Which characteristics of qualitative research most influenced your response to this question? APA, 3 peer review references, 350 words

2. Critics of qualitative research often posit that it is subjective due to the fact that the researcher collects the data. Therefore, the researcher’s own prior experiences, prejudices, and attitudes may bias the data, and therefore, the results of the study. How would you respond to someone who presents this criticism to you?  APA, 3 peer review references, 350 words

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