I want you to work on this pdf .. you have to write a article … I already write it earlier … but now you have to present that article in a better way .. you have to explain all the points and use the

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I want you to work on this pdf .. you have  to write a article … I already write it earlier … but now you have to present that article in a better way .. you have to explain all the points and use the references that I mentioned in a pdf … and write between 1500-1700 words

I want you to work on this pdf .. you have to write a article … I already write it earlier … but now you have to present that article in a better way .. you have to explain all the points and use the
1 Essay 2 : Research Essay Academic Writing First Draft: on November 30 th – (4 paper copies & uploaded to Nexus before class ). Final Draft: December 13 th, midnight (upload to Nexus ) Length: 1500 -1700 words Value: 25% of total course mark In t his final assignment, you will create a research paper on the topic you have been writing about all term. Depending on your topic and the nature of your research, you should take an analytical, expository, or argumentative approach w ith your thesis statement. You should also be using the same or a revised version of the thesis you used in the Outline Assignment. If you need a refresher on thesis statements, please visit this website: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/thesis_statement_tips.ht ml Among other things (see below), a good research paper involves : • finding a range of reputable external source s relevant to your topic (peer – reviewed, academic, and others) • articulating a central research question and/or thesis in a way that your readers will find compelling and interesting • synthesizing (putting together) the most important ideas from your external sources. This doesn’t just mean summarizing what other people have said, but consciously using source material as examples and supporting evidence for your own position or question • citing correctly and completely in your paper all sources you’ve used, and listing at the end of your paper all the sources you’ve cited Basic requirements • Ensured the paper is 1,500 – 1,700 words in length, NOT including “Works Cited” or “References” • Incorporated and correctly cited most, if not all, of the sources I used in my previous essays . Feel free to use new or additional sources. Minimum of 6 . • Formatted all pages according to MLA , Chicago, or APA format. • Written a well -developed introduction that describes the topic/issue and presents a clear view of the scope of this paper • Incorporated either a Research Question or Statement, and a Thesis Statement (see below) in the Intro • Created well -developed, logical paragraphs that either fo cus on one clear idea or provide a transition from an old to a new idea • Included in -text, parenthetical citations for all exact quotes, paraphrased material, or ideas derived from all sources • Made sure all sources cited in the paper are ALSO listed in the “Works Cited” or 2 “References” • Provided on a separate page a complete, correctly formatted, alphabetical list of all sources, called “Works Cited” (MLA) or “References” (APA or CBE) • Edited for grammar, clarity, and conciseness. Two Central Principles to Keep in Mind 1. Are you thinking about the issue? Professors who read academic papers have two very clear expectations. Naturally they want to see that you are learning, but they also expect you to show your ability to think: to use your knowledge to create and support your own ideas. Again, a research paper isn’t just a summary of other people’s ideas. 2. Are you identifying a problem, conflict, issue, or contradiction associated with your topic? In other words, you must have a clear PURPOSE for writing besides the fact that “it’s an assignment.” Once you define a real problem or issue within that topic, you have created a real -world writing problem: you have a reason to write and your reader has a reason to listen to you. It may be helpful to think of t he research paper as a form of investigative reporting. The writer not only tracks down new information but also tries to test and support these new ideas in the paper itself.
I want you to work on this pdf .. you have to write a article … I already write it earlier … but now you have to present that article in a better way .. you have to explain all the points and use the
Organizational Culture NAME: COURSE NUMBER: COURSE TITLE: INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: DUE DATE: Organizational Culture Part 1 Organizational culture is a vital element that leaders should consider when analyzing employee performance. The way that employees are treated, the expectations placed on them, and the organization’s overall climate all play a role in how well employees perform. A positive, supportive organizational culture can help employees feel more motivated and engaged in their work. When employees feel like they are part of a team and that their work is valued, they are more likely to put forth their best effort. On the other hand, a negative or toxic organizational culture can lead to employees feeling disengaged and unmotivated. This can result in poor performance and may lead to employees leaving the organization. Therefore, this essay will discuss the influence of organizational culture on employee performance and the features of an effective organizational culture. Parts 2 and 3 1. Organizational structure is a strategic tool that creates a competitive advantage. a) It influences how talented employees view their growth potential in a company, making it vital for talent retention (Widarko & Anwarodin, 2022). b) A strong culture enhances engagement and commitment fostering teamwork and collaboration. 2. Organizations need to create a positive culture that supports employee performance. a) There are several ways to do this, such as providing employees with clear expectations, offering ongoing training and development opportunities, and showing appreciation for good work (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012). b) Organizations can encourage employees to do their best work and contribute to their success by valuing employee performance. 3. Organizational culture can be a motivational tool in a number of ways: a) It can provide employees with a sense of purpose and belonging. b) It can instill a sense of pride in employees, leading to increased motivation (Khan et al., 2012). c) It can create a positive work environment conducive to employee productivity and satisfaction. 4. There are many features that can contribute to an effective organizational culture, but some key ones include the following: a) A clear and concise mission and vision that everyone in the organization is aware of and buys into b) A set of values that guide decision-making and behavior c) Open communication channels where information flows freely and employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns (Yusuf et al., 2017). Part 4 Organizational culture can be a powerful tool for increasing performance. A healthy and effective organizational culture can help employees feel motivated and invested in their work, leading to increased productivity and improved work quality. Additionally, a strong organizational culture can help attract and retain high-quality employees, further contributing to improved performance. In order to create and maintain a strong and effective organizational culture, leaders need to be intentional and purposeful in their actions and communications. They should make sure that the organization’s values are clearly defined and that everyone is aware of and committed to them. Leaders also need to create an environment in which open communication is encouraged, and employees feel like they can give and receive feedback. Finally, leaders should model the behavior they expect to see from others and work to create a culture of trust and respect. References Hardiyono, H., Hamid, N., & Yusuf, R. (2017, October). The Effect Of Work Environment And Organizational Culture On Employees’ Performance Through Job Satisfaction As Intervening Variable At State Electricity Company (Pln) Of South Makassar Area. In 2nd International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics 2017 (ICAME 2017) (pp. 86-96). Atlantis Press. https://www.atlantis-press.com/article/25885681.pdf Shahzad, F., Luqman, R. A., Khan, A. R., & Shabbir, L. (2012). Impact of organizational culture on organizational performance: An overview. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business. Tohidi, H., & Jabbari, M. M. (2012). Organizational culture and leadership. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 31, 856-860. Widarko, A., & Anwarodin, M. K. (2022). Work Motivation and Organizational Culture on Work Performance: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Mediating Variable. Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, 2(2), 123-138.

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