1. Instructions part I Read the Application Case 7.8 “Tito’s Vodka Establishes Brand Loyalty with an Authentic Social Strategy” on pages 447 to 449 of your textbook. Then, answer the questions below.

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1. Instructions

part I Read the Application Case 7.8 “Tito’s Vodka Establishes Brand Loyalty with an Authentic Social Strategy” on pages 447 to 449 of your textbook. Then, answer the questions below.

  1. How can social network analysis (SNA) be used in the telecommunications industry?
  2. What do you think are the key challenges, potential solution(s), and probable results in applying SNA in telecommunications firms?

Part IIRead the “Best Practices in Social Media Analytics” on pages 453 to 455 of your textbook. Then, answer the questions below.

  1. What is meant by social analytics? Why is it an important business topic?
  2. What is a social network? What is the need for SNA?
  3. What is social media analytics? What are the reasons behind its increasing popularity?
  4. How can you measure the impact of social media analytics?

Your response to each of the six questions must be a minimum of 200 words; therefore, the completed assignment must contain a minimum of 1,200 words. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

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