complete the class activity. Make sure you address the questions fully and with your best effort (based on information from lecture and the PowerPoint) Case Study – Jail and Prison Redesign A correc

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complete the class activity. Make sure you address the questions fully and with your best effort (based on information from lecture and the PowerPoint)

Case Study – Jail and Prison Redesign

A corrections advisor and architect has been asked to assist a state in designing a new prison, as the current facilities are presently suffering from overcrowding and are falling into disrepair. Most are arranged in the traditional correctional layout: long horizontal corridors with bars in front of each cell. Problems with this design include poor sightlines for supervising officers, inability to monitor inmates effectively, and the potential for unwitnessed abuse. Legislators and corrections administrators want to address these shortcomings in the new facility by building off of currently popular ideas regarding the design of county jails, namely direct supervision jails and community jails.

Discussion Questions

1. Which of the three types of facility layouts, if any, discussed in this chapter should be chosen for this prison? Would it depend on the type of institution (minimum vs. medium vs. maximum security prison)? How will the type of jurisdiction that the facility will serve influence your decision?

2. Are some types of layouts better suited to certain types of offenders? Which are those, and why are they uniquely beneficial for COs in those situations?

3. What is it about community jails that could benefit those incarcerated in prisons? How should this be incorporated into prison design?

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