Hello, The research is about of Autism and how affect their families. economic, phycological and social attach is the document with the questions.

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Hello, The research is about of Autism and how affect their families. economic, phycological and social

attach is the document with the questions.

Hello, The research is about of Autism and how affect their families. economic, phycological and social attach is the document with the questions.
STUDENT NAME ______________________________ COURSE & SECTION ___________ Part 1B: Research Experience For this part of the project, I started researching on the internet with defining my keywords which were _________________, ________________, and _______________. I made sure that the sources I used were reliable. I defined reliable sources by whether: 1. An expert wrote an article for a newspaper, magazine, reputable website with no Google advertisements on it. 2 An expert was quoted in an article that appears in a newspaper, magazine, reputable website, etc. 3. The source contained facts and figures that can be proven.  4. A government website listed statistics or facts from a survey or some kind of research. The first web source I came across was _________________________. I knew this was a reliable source because (pick 1, 2, 3 or 4). This source helped support my essay in the following ways (pick either your problem, solution, or counterargument). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The next source I used from the internet was _________________________. I knew this was a reliable source because (pick 1, 2, 3 or 4). This source helped support my essay in the following ways (pick either your problem, solution, or counterargument). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Once I found my Internet sources, I continued building on my research by visiting Plaza College’s virtual library. First I visited the database which was _________________________. I knew this was a reliable source because (pick 1, 2, 3 or 4). This source helped support my essay in the following ways (pick either your problem, solution, or counterargument): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I then visited a second database which was _________________________. I knew this was a reliable source because (pick 1, 2, 3 or 4). This source helped support my essay in the following ways:(pick either your problem, solution, or counterargument). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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