Michael Brown’s shooting case

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There are some acts of violence that capture our attention and interest more than others. In this assignment, you will explore an instance of violence that captured the nation’s attention. On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson, Missouri police office. The shooting and resulting protests captured the nation’s attention.


For this assignment, research Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest. Summarize the case in a 4- to 6-page report. Your report should focus on the following:

  • Describe why this case captured the public’s attention on such a large scale?
  • Describe the details of the public’s response. Was the public’s response justified, why or why not? Has anyone involved been charged with a crime?
  • Identify similar violent public incidents and compare at least one example to this case.
  • Explain what can law enforcement do to address public reaction and implications of public fear of abuse of power by police?

Submission Details:

  • Submit your report as a Microsoft Word document. Include examples wherever required.
  • Cite all the sources in APA format

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