Planning and staffing week 2

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There are 2 discussion questions, these responses should be complete, well organized, and approximately 100-300 words in length. Superior efforts will be distinguished by the use of outside credible sources (journal articles; reputable business press) to support postings.
Conduct scholarly research to provide a detailed response to the question listed below. Response 100-300 words and should be supported with scholarly research (referenced following APA formatting standards), All aspects of APA formatting followed with no spelling/grammar errors. Addresses specifics of question demonstrating critical thinking abilities by synthesizing research. Please do not plagiarized.
1. As the new HR generalist for Lyssna Audio, a small/mid-sized organization with 250 employees, the owners would like you to design a selection system. They currently have no structured selection system. Specifically, how do you explain to managers why measurement is necessary?
2. As the new HR generalist for Lyssna Audio, you are asked to implement a structured interview. Managers want to know if you think it will select future high performers. How do you show this using criterion validation?
Grading Rubic:
The postings exceed discussion and critique requirements. Although three postings (per discussion question) are required, the student may post multiple entries. Each posting is clear and addresses the questions completely. Each considers a different issue and offers insight and thoughtful analysis; it does not simply summarize. It contains few errors. Uses peer-reviewed or similar journals (HBR; SMR; etc.) in addition to business press.

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