Irony of American Inventions

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Revise my essay based on professor’s comments in the documents and rubric

Final Draft Requirements:

Your final draft should be 6-9 pages (probably 10-15 paragraphs). See attached rubric for further details.

Your final draft should include at least 4 texts by your essayist, and at least 3 outside texts (including dictionary definitions) that help you establish a context.

A successful final draft will include:

  • a clear description of your chosen writer’s project;
  • analysis of 4-5 texts by your writer;
  • at least one context that helps your reader understand how your writer’s work connects to a broader cultural phenomenon or conversation (why does your writer’s project matter?);
  • an interpretive argument that evaluates your writer’s vision and reveals your own perspective;
  • clarity of sentence-level writing and thinking;
  • a clear beginning, middle and end.

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